

Lessons from a Genealogy (4)

In previous articles we have noted three lessons suggested in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17): God knows us all, God always keeps His word, and godly children do not just happen. Let’s conclude with one more.

Although the genealogy traces the line through men, four women are mentioned in addition to Jesus’ mother, Mary. The women are not, however, those we might expect, “matriarchs” such as Sarah, Rebekah, or Rachel. They are Tamar (v. 3), Rahab (v. 5), Ruth (v. 5), and Bathsheba (v. 6).

Two of these women conceived children out of wedlock. Tamar purposely did so, evidently seeking a child to continue her late husband’s line. Bathsheba’s pregnancy was the result of David’s one-night-stand with her. The genealogy also includes the fathers of these children: Judah, who reneged on his promise to provide Tamar a husband, then fathered her child, thinking he was visiting a prostitute; and David, who lustfully summoned Bathsheba, and before all was said and done ordered her husband’s death. The ugly details are recorded in Genesis 28 and 2 Samuel 11.

Rahab was a harlot when we are introduced to her (Joshua 2:1).

At least two of these women, Rahab and Ruth, were foreigners to the nation of Israel. Ruth, a sterling character, was a Moabitess, from a nation conceived in incest and specifically excluded from the congregation of Israel (Deteronomy 23:3). Rahab was a member of one of the Canaanite nations whom God instructed His people to utterly destroy. Tamar, who lived several centuries earlier, was likely a Canaanitess as well.

These names bring to mind the sullied character of many of Jesus’ ancestors—men and women; yet what an appropriate introduction to a gospel in which grace for sinners is the theme. They remind us that God has an equal interest in all people: men and women, from every nation, whether prominent or obscure.

As Peter preached to Cornelius: “I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him. The word which He sent to the sons of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus Christ (He is Lord of all) . . . . Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins ” (Acts 10:34-35, 43).

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