

Back to School

It’s back-to-school time again! That’s great news for some, not so great for others. One of the major concerns this year is health safety, in view of the virus. That’s important for sure, but I want to remind us about a few other concerns that are actually greater, things disciples of Jesus should always keep in mind.

Fashion is dominated by fads, from hairdos to footwear. Many of these are harmless; down the road they will give your kids and grandkids something to laugh at! School uniforms standardize some things, yet there are still areas and occasions of choice.

Remember that fashion trends are mostly set by worldly people; don’t just blindly follow them (Romans 16:2). Remember that labels (or lack of them) do not make a person (James 2:1-10). Be known by your character, not your appearance (1 Timothy 2:9-10).  Never dress (or undress!) in such a way that you might cause someone else to stumble (Matthew 18:6-7). And remember, the principles of modesty and appropriate dress apply just as much in special activities, such as sports, as they do in ordinary ones.

First, you must prioritize your activities. There are academics, group activities (sports, music, drama, etc.), service opportunities, and social occasions. All may be good if kept in balance, though you have only so much time. None should ever be allowed to take precedence over spiritual things (Matthew 6:33). School homework is not more important than Bible study, and ball games are certainly not greater than worship! Parents should help set these priorities, but in some cases parents are the problem.

Second, you must prioritize within these activities. In sports, is winning all that matters? Does it justify cheating or becoming arrogant or argumentative? In academics, are grades worth stealing? Are falsely obtained academic credentials a greater compliment to us than good character? Obviously, Christians know better. We just have to remember it in the daily grind.

On what basis do you choose your friends? Are you trying to be popular? “A man of too many friends comes to ruin” (Proverbs 18:24). Are you friendly only to those who can do you some favor? Jesus taught us better (Luke 14:12-14). What influence do your friends have on you? Do you compromise your sense of right in order to fit in (1 Corinthians 15:33)? Or does influence flow as it should in the opposite direction, you influencing others for good (Matthew 5:16)?

Gossip destroys friendships (Proverbs 16:28). Even if it is true, not everything you know is worth repeating. Our speech is to build up, not tear down (Ephesians 4:29). Profanity has no place whatsoever. Neither does filthy joking or suggestive language or slander or complaining (Ephesians 5:3-4). There are things we ought not to talk about (v. 12) and things we ought not to listen to (Psalms 15:3).

I hope everyone has a great school year. You will if you live these principles day by day. And if you are not going back to school, just take these same principles and apply them at your job or wherever you are. You’ll be blessed for it!

  1. Sunday Worship
    5/5/24 09:30am
  2. Sunday Bible Study
    5/5/24 10:50am
  3. Wednesday Bible Study
    5/8/24 07:00pm
  4. Sunday Worship
    5/12/24 09:30am
  5. Sunday Bible Study
    5/12/24 10:50am
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