

Considerate Brethren

The author of Hebrews said Christians should consider one another (10:24). How considerate of your brethren are you?

Considerate brethren are concerned about how their example affects others. They are willing to “bend over backwards” to maintain a good influence. They say with Paul, “If food causes my brother to stumble, I will never eat meat again . . .” (1 Corinthians 8:13).

Considerate brethren patiently seek to restore those who are caught up in sin. They notice who is absent from assemblies and find out why. They sense when others are discouraged and do something to boost sagging spirits. They guard their tongues that “no unwholesome word proceeds from their mouths, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29). They give timely words of encouragement.

Considerate brethren pray for each another, privately as well as publicly. They think about what others need and entreat God on their behalf. And their prayers are accompanied by deeds, doing what they can to help.

Considerate brethren do not distract others in periods of study and worship. They do not habitually come in late. They take crying babies out in a timely manner. They do not talk, pass notes, or parade to the water cooler, nor do they permit their children to do so. That supervision includes before and after services as well. The kids who run wild and tackle bystanders do not belong to them.

Considerate brethren gladly take their turn at whatever needs to be done. They do not depend on a few to shoulder all the load. They are conscientious about doing what they can financially as well.

Considerate preachers and teachers try to make their lessons interesting. They have something more to offer than what students could read at home in a workbook or a commentary. They try to challenge more advanced students without completely losing the beginners. Yet they never seek to entertain. And yes, they also respect reasonable time restraints.

Considerate song leaders do not limit themselves to personal favorites. They select songs based on meaningful words, not just warm melodies or catchy rhythms. They wait for appropriate times to try new songs, when it is not a distraction. They do all they can to help the congregation make melody in their hearts to the Lord.

Are you considerate of your brethren?

  1. Wednesday Bible Study
    1/22/25 07:00pm
  2. Sunday Worship
    1/26/25 09:30am
  3. Sunday Bible Study
    1/26/25 10:50am
  4. Wednesday Bible Study
    1/29/25 07:00pm
  5. Sunday Worship
    2/2/25 09:30am
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