

Finish Well

On more than one occasion, I have heard a coach talking about the importance of finishing. The team plays well for most of the game, but they end up losing because of late letdowns. Perhaps it is fatigue, due to poor conditioning. Perhaps it is complacency, thinking too early they have the game in hand. In some cases it may be going into a defensive posture too soon. The point is, it accomplishes little to have a good beginning if you don’t finish well.

Several Bible characters illustrate the spiritual application of this principle. Uzziah is one who comes to mind. You can read his story in 2 Kings 15:1-7 and in more detail in 2 Chronicles 26.

Uzziah (also called Azariah) was a king in Judah in the eighth century BC, during the divided kingdom period. He was sixteen years old when he began to reign. (Chronological data suggests he may well have been a co-regent with his father Amaziah for some time.) He reigned for fifty-two years!

Uzziah was a righteous man. With God’s help, he enjoyed much military success. He built Elath (formerly Ezion-geber), a port on the Gulf of Aqaba in Edomite territory. He defeated the Philistines, Arabs, and Meunites. He fortified Jerusalem, raised and equipped a large standing army, produced what was in his day the latest weaponry, and even fortified the wilderness areas.

Uzziah’s success brought fame. Unfortunately, it also brought pride. Uzziah reached the point that he decided he could set aside God’s instructions. One day he went into the temple, took a censer and intended to burn incense before God. The priests, to their credit, opposed him, pointing out that only those chosen and sanctified by God could so serve. Uzziah reacted with rage. At that moment, God intervened, striking him with leprosy. From that time until the day of his death, Uzziah lived in a separate house, cut off from his people and the temple. His son Jotham took over ruling Judah. Uzziah’s leprosy was a terrible testimony to the hazard of unfaithfulness.

Contrast Uzziah’s story with this section of the Apostle Paul’s last written words (2 Timothy 3:7-8): "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing."

Don’t get sidetracked. Don’t get fatigued. Don’t get lazy. Don’t get embittered. Don’t get arrogant or overconfident. Keep going. Finish well!

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