

Gospel Wisdom

In the opening chapters of 1 Corinthians Paul makes several observations about the gospel. Its powerful message is often rejected (1:18-25). It typically has little appeal to people who are prominent by worldly standards (1:26-31). It’s presentation is in straightforward terms; the convincing power is in its miraculous evidences, not in persuasive speech (2:1-5). It is divine wisdom, truth that cannot be known by intuition or observation (2:6-9). It is revealed by God through His spokesmen (2:10-13), those who wrote the Bible. It is, therefore, neither understood nor accepted by those who rely solely on natural knowledge, who dismiss God’s supernatural revelation (2:14-16).

These truths have two important implications. First, they explain why those who are Christians and those who are not (including those who claim they are while rejecting what the Bible says) view things so differently. We make our appraisals using two completely different standards. Second, it reminds Christians to always follow the divine standard, regardless of what human wisdom may suggest. Some of the Corinthian Christians were struggling with that (3:1ff). Remember, “. . . the foolishness of God is wiser than men . . .” (1:25).

  1. Sunday Worship
    12/22/24 09:30am
  2. Sunday Bible Study
    12/22/24 10:50am
  3. Wednesday Bible Study
    12/25/24 07:00pm
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    12/29/24 09:30am
  5. Sunday Bible Study
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