The Sword of the Spirit
Paul called the word of God “the sword of the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:17). It was a weapon masterfully wielded by Jesus, the master teacher. Commenting on the Lord’s use of it in Mark 2, J. C. Ryle makes this observation:
“Let us however remember, that if we are to use the Bible as our Lord did, we must know it well, and be acquainted with its contents. We must read it diligently, humbly, perseveringly, prayerfully, or we shall never find its texts coming to our aid in the time of need. To use the sword of the Spirit effectually, we must be familiar with it, and have it often in our hands. There is no royal road to the knowledge of the Bible. It does not come to man by intuition. The book must be studied, pondered, prayed over, searched into, and not left always lying on a shelf, or carelessly looked at now and then. It is the students of the Bible, and they only, who will find it a weapon ready to hand in the day of battle.”