

"I Have Sinned"

Pharaoh said, “I have sinned” (Exodus 9:27), then he quickly resumed his old ways.

Balaam said, “I have sinned” (Numbers 22:34) and offered to return, even though he obviously did not want to.

Achan said, “I have sinned” (Joshua 7:20), only after he got exposed.

King Saul said, “I have sinned” (1 Samuel 15:24), while continuing to blame others for it.

Judas  said, “I have sinned” (Matthew 27:4), then he despondently went away and hanged himself.

The Prodigal said, “I have sinned” (Luke 15:18, 21). It was the heart of his sincere plea to his father for mercy. He was fully pardoned.

Confessions of sin are not all the same!

  1. Sunday Worship
    12/22/24 09:30am
  2. Sunday Bible Study
    12/22/24 10:50am
  3. Wednesday Bible Study
    12/25/24 07:00pm
  4. Sunday Worship
    12/29/24 09:30am
  5. Sunday Bible Study
    12/29/24 10:50am
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