

“Good” and “Not So Good” Body Parts

When we’re young, all our body parts “work,” and do so pretty well and without much effort or discomfort.  Consequently, we don’t give them much thought, or put much care into their overall health maintenance and protection. 

But when we’re “not so young” (aka “old”), or when the weather changes or will soon do so, we have “good” parts and pieces, and those that are considerably less so.  Past neglect, overuse, injury, or even multiple injuries might be the cause, but the fact remains that some of our parts and pieces just don’t “work well” anymore.  We might have a “good eye” (or at least a “better than the other one”), a “good ear,” a “good shoulder/elbow/arm/hip/knee/etc,” and their counterparts that are decidedly otherwise.  Pretty much everything that we humans have two of, as we age one of them is “good” (or at least “better”), and the other one “works” only partially, with less strength or range of motion,  with either “some discomfort” or “considerable pain,” and not at all (at least not without much effort).    

Since Paul compared the local church to a “body” that has “many members” in 1Cor.12:12-27, consider that a spiritual body is much like its physical counterpart. 

Specifically, each spiritual body has parts/members that are both “good” and “work well” or “fully,” and some that are “not so good” and only “work partially,” “sometimes,” or “not without much discomfort/pain” (either to themselves or the rest of the body), and usually only with considerable effort (again, either by themselves or the other body parts).  In such cases, the spiritual body is the same as the physical one in that the “good” parts are going to have to compensate for the “not so good” ones to accomplish what has to be done, as well as what as what needs to be done.  Should it be that way?  Perhaps not, but it usually is just so. 

Can the “not so good” members that don’t work well or often be rehabbed (by themselves or the other parts of the body) to work better and more often?  Of course, if they actually want to get and do better, are willing to exercise, and are provided the means and assistance necessary to do so. 

To further contemplate this comparison, think “spiritual” therapy instead of “physical therapy.” An example of this kind of “spiritual therapy” can be found in the admonitions of Heb.12:12-13, “Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, and make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed.”  Please understand that this type of “spiritual rehabilitation therapy” is urged toward both self and other parts of the body for the good of the whole!

Every (spiritual) body has parts that just don’t “work,” or work “well,” and unfortunately probably never will.  Sometimes this is due to true disability, and sometimes it’s just laziness or even rebellion.  The spiritual body is just like the physical one in these regards.  But the “good” parts/members need to realize this and: 1) do what you can to encourage and assist those who can and want to get/do better; and, 2) don’t allow the “bad/non-working” parts, regardless of why they don’t work, to prevent YOU from doing what you can and should do.  Encourage and assist when you can, and compensate as needed for the betterment of the WHOLE BODY.

And if you are the “body part” that does not work, or at least doesn’t work well or easily:

  • Identify the problem (Hint: It’s probably your unhealthy attitude), 2Cor.13:5;  
  • Start eating right, Heb.5:12-14;
  • Get your mind right by considering others rather than just yourself, Phil.2:2-3; and,
  • Get off the couch (or in this case, the pew) and get busy with spiritual exercises like growing your faith, 2Pet.5-11); bringing glory to God by being salt and light to others, Matt.5:14-16; sowing seed of the kingdom of Christ, Matt.13:3-9; and start teaching, helping, and healing others, 1Cor.12:28.

For the spiritual body to accomplish what God intended and expects it to do, every part is essential.  There are no vestigial parts in the Lord’s body.  All are important, and each one has a role and function.  When a or some parts don’t work or work well, the other parts either have to compensate for it/them, or the body as a whole suffers.  So how are you, as a part of the body of Christ in your local church, “working”?  Well, or otherwise?  We, and you, can do better both for God’s glory and the benefit of kingdom.  Let’s bet busy!

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    10/27/24 09:30am
  2. Sunday Bible Study
    10/27/24 10:50am
  3. Wednesday Bible Study
    10/30/24 07:00pm
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    11/3/24 09:30am
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